Be Prepared for your Emergency First Responder Instructor Course
You need to be an Emergency First Response Instructor (EFRI) before PADI will register you as being in Teaching Status as an Instructor. We generally run the EFRI course a few days before the IDC. It takes about 1.5 days.
Watch the EFR Primary & Secondary Care & Care For Children DVD before attending the EFRI to ensure you are well prepared. This is essential if you have not done an EFR course in the last 24 months, have not done a Care for Children Course, or are crossing over.
We will screen the DVD when you arrive.
Knowledge Reviews
Complete four Knowledge Reviews before the course. Find them in the Primary & Secondary Care Instructor Guide / Appendix / Independent Learning (A-45) of the EFR Instructor Guide.
Please follow the instructions at the top of each Knowledge Review to find the answers and fill them in (you can use the copy in the Instructor Guide, H2O has more copies if you really need them)!
- Program Standards: Read EFR Primary & Secondary Care Instructor Guide – Sections 1 & introductions to 2 – 4.
- Human Body Systems: Reading the Human Body Systems section – Primary & Secondary Care Instructor Guide / Appendix / Human Body Systems (A-37).
- Medical Emergencies:Read the section on medical emergencies at the back of the EFR Primary and Secondary Care Participant Manual (student manual). If you don’t have one, let us know.
- Care for Children Instructor Knowledge Review It is found in the Care for Children Instructor Guide / Appendix / Care for Children Instructor Knowledge Review (A-21). Read the Care for Children Instructor Guide to find the answers.
These Knowledge Reviews will be reviewed during the course so please come prepared.

EFRI Student Resources

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