Be Prepared for your PADI Instructor Development Course



reduce your stress with proper preparation

Learn the necessary Dive Theory
Practise Demonstration Quality Skills
Complete PADI IDC eLearning

The IDC schedule DOES NOT include teaching Dive Theory or Demonstration Quality Skills from scratch. You are expected to have a good grasp of both when you arrive.

We strongly advise you arrive in Dahab at least 5 days before the IDC/EFRI starts so you can settle in. The more time you give the IDC DIVE team to help you polish your skills and knowledge, the better instructor you will be.

Do you want to be a good instructor or a GREAT instructor?

Benefit from our FREE Preparation Programme.

Practice Theory Exams
Prescriptive theory revision
Practice Standards Exams
Practice Skill circuits
Access to EFR/PADI videos
Access to PADI library
Extra time to complete knowledge reviews
Help with eLearning homework

Candidates who arrive only a few days before the IDC with a minimum grasp of theory and rusty demonstration quality skills will be waking early and studying till very late.

Dive Theory.

We recommend that you start studying Dive Theory at least two weeks before arriving in Dahab.

Dive Theory is divided into five sections:
Decompression Theory & the RDP
Skills & the Environment

Here are some good options to guide your study:

PADI Crew Pack
Crew Pack

Work through the Diving Knowledge Workbook eLearning (included in your IDC digital Crew Pack). Contact us to get your crew pack.

PADI’s Dive Theory

Complete PADI’s Dive Theory Online. Buy direct from PADI or contact us to get a DISCOUNT

Studying dive theory
The Encyclopedia

Use the Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving. Look below to find our recommendations on what sections to review for instructor level dive theory

Check out our FREE Dive Theory Study Guides.

Dive Skills

The skills you will be marked on during the first day of the IDC are listed in the Instructor Manual > DM section > Dive Skills.

  1. Equipment assembly, adjustment, preparation, donning and disassembly
  2. Predive safety check (BWRAF)
  3. Deep-water entry
  4. Buoyancy check at surface
  5. Snorkel-regulator/regulator-snorkel exchange
  6. Five-point descent, using buoyancy control to stop descent without contacting the bottom
  7. Regulator recovery and clearing*
  8. Mask removal, replacement and clearing*
  9. Air depletion exercise and alternate air source use (stationary)
  10. Alternate air source-assisted ascent
  11. Free flowing regulator breathing
  12. Neutral buoyancy, rise and fall – using low pressure inflation
  1. Five-point ascent
  2. Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent
  3. Orally inflate BCD to hover for at least 60 seconds
  4. Underwater swim without a mask
  5. Remove and replace weight system underwater
  6. Remove and replace scuba unit underwater
  7. Remove and replace scuba unit on the surface
  8. Remove and replace weight system on the surface
  9. Head-first surface dive, snorkel out of mouth.
  10. Disconnect low-pressure inflator
  11. Re-secure a loose cylinder band
  12. Perform an emergency weight drop

Complete 16 IDC eLearning segments. These are mandatory and must be completed before attending each IDC workshop. Save yourself over 20 hours of study during an already busy course. Contact us to get your Crew Pack and get started today!

Additional Preparation
  • Log on to the PADI Pros site. If you don’t have a PADI number (your DM number), please contact us.
  • Download the most up-to-date PADI Instructor Manual. PADI Pros > Training Essentials > Digital Instructor Manual. And familiarise yourself with the layout.
  • Look at a couple of the most recent Training Bulletins – Log on to PADI Pros > Training Essentials > Training Bulletins.
  • Download the PADI App.
  • Learn some knots – Sheet-bend, bowline, round turn and two half hitches. Check out the PADI App > Tools – for instructions.
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How to Study
  • Buy Dive Theory Online and work your way through it.
  • OR
  • Use the Diving Knowledge Workbook eLearning included in your crew pack. Pay attention to the answers you got wrong. Now you know the gaps in your Knowledge.
  • Use the Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and the explanations

If you feel you need to start from scratch, concentrate on these areas of PADI’s Encyclopedia of Diving.

Chapter 1 – The Underwater Adventure:
The history section is of interest but not necessary for theory exams.
Chapter 2 – The Ocean Planet: Relates to – Skill & The Environment Section Necessary reading: Currents, waves and tides
Other topics in Skill & The Environment Section, can be found in the Adventures in Diving & Rescue Manuals
Chapter 3 – Dive Equipment:
Cylinders / tank valves / Regulators / AASs / SPGs & instrumentation SCR & CCRs
Chapter 4 – Diving in the Material World (Physics)
This chapter covers a lot of interesting and basic knowledge that instructors should understand. Areas of focus are:
Water & Heat; Charles’ Law – rough formula 1 degree Celsius = 0.6 bar
Heat Transmission; Water & Light; Water & Sound
Buoyancy (Archimedes’ Law)/ Pressure (Boyle’s Law) /Heat (Charles’ Law); DCS (Henry’s law) & Gases (Dalton’s Law) – Basically the whole chapter!
Chapter 5 – The Diver Within (Physiology & Some Decompression Theory)
Once again, some great basic knowledge here. Areas for focus are: Blood & Heart / general body systems / Responses to Breathing with Equipment / Circulatory & Respiratory Problems / Oxygen Exposure / Responses to Thermal Changes / Pressure Changes on Air Spaces
Decompression Physiology (Decompression Theory Session)
A large section but I suggest you read it all. You can also use the Divemaster Manual’s section on this subject as a more condensed version for study 41-79. You also need to be familiar with the eRDPml and the RDP. Use the Instructors for Use.

Once you have learnt the necessary theory – Use our FREE Revision guides

IDC DIVE silver package
LOCATION: Dahab, Egypt
EFRI: 8 – 9 June 2025
PADI IDC: 11 - 20 June 2025
PADI IE: 21 – 22 June 2025
PADI MSDT PREP: 24-26 June 2025
IDC DIVE maximum value
IDC DIVE packages for PADI professional courses in Dahab

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